Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What's Going Through My Mind Right Now. . .

Alex O'Loughlin is ah-mazingly beautiful!

Oh, Jim Carrey is awesome!

Speeches suck.

I hate crying.

Funerals suck.

Betty White is adorable.

I want Christmas to be here!

I don't want the Border's store to close! I hate libraries.  (I feel so rushed to read a library book!)

That Target Lady freaks me out!

I wish people would comment on my Blog!  I feel like no one's reading it! (Of course, there could be a chance that no one really reads my Blog. . sniff.)

Life's complicated.



BB ♥ said...

I love Betty White! She's so great!

Ally-Cat said...

I Know! She's such a sweetheart! Thank you for following me. You made my week 10x better!!

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