Tuesday, December 8, 2009

First Blog!

First blog. Wow, I can't believe I'm writing my first blog! I'm so excited! So basically this is an ask-questions-talk-about-latest-news-journal-pretty-much-everything type of blog. (If there's actually that type of blog out there...) So ask for advice! Just call me Ally-Cat! Okay? Okay. I'll also be asking you guys to answer some of my questions too! But not all the time. Ha, that would be annoying.

About Me: I like to read (so give me some recommendations please!) and listen to some good music. Paramore is one of my favorite bands. I like songs that make you think. I have 2 dogs and one cat. (BTW I'm totally mad at my cat because she jumped into one of my drawers and made a nest in there). Oh! I also like to cook! Expert grilled-cheese maker!! I like a good action movie, but no blood & guts stuff. That grosses me out. I didn't know where I want to go in life but possibly being a professional writer wouldn't be to bad.
So that's a few things about me. Please be nice in your comments. NO CUSSING PLEASE!

See Ya Around!


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