Friday, December 18, 2009

Check This Out

I have a friend that writes incredible stories.  Please read them.  They're awesome.

Here's the link:

[Hey Hannah, thank you for the Christmas gifts!  I checked out the Letters From Home; my favorite so far.  Don't give up! You're a much more talented writer than I am, and will ever be.] 

I did it! I met somebody new! WOOO! I didn't back down! (Check out my previous post if you don't understand what I'm talking about)

Can somebody tell me if the Countdown to Christmas thingy is working. . . I can't tell if it is or not. 

Hannah has 91 people read her work.  I really want to beat her! Get maybe, uh, 95-100 followers?  NEED SOME HELP THOUGH!  Help me get more followers! Many thanks! [Please don't ge mad at me, Hannah!]


I got a video for you!

Let me know what you think!


Christmas is the time for giving so if anybody has a question or needs advice I'm willing to give out advice!

Don't be shy!


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