Sunday, December 27, 2009

Writing When It's Raw

Okay this is not a story I'm going to start so don't get your hopes up.  Sometimes, I like to start off a sentence at random when I'm typing and create what I call: impro-writing. Improvised Writing.  I have to warn you though I used some bad words.  But it's not like you don't hear it every once in a while.  Sorry, if you get offended.  I'm not taking them out.  I think it provides character.  So here you go, my first posted impro-writing ever posted on That's What She Said.  Enjoy!

As I ran into the living room, I saw my brother had collapsed on the floor.  I gasped.
"Oh, my god!" I ran over to Finn's unconcious body.  "Finn! Finn! Wake up! Wake up! They'll be here any second. I can't fight them off without you!"  I tried to shake him awake, but it was no use.  He wouldn't wake up. 
"Shit." I muttered, looking around the room for my cell phone.  Gotta call the Boss. He's going to be so pis--BOOM!
Surprised, I spun around to see the front door was blasted open, and just in time to see a circular metal object being thrown inside and landing on the leather couch.  Oh, no.  I looked down at Finn and knew I had to get him out of here before the bomb detonates. I grabbed Finn under his arms and started to drag him over to the hatch beneath the old blue rug under the coffee table.  Realizing that I had no hands to get the coffee table out of my way, I decided to use the next best thing: use my mind. 
I closed my eyes and concentrated.  I pictured the coffee table getting thrown over the couch and willed it.  I opened my eyes just in time to see the coffee table flying over the couch and crashing onto the hard wood floor. 
I shifted Finn's body onto my left arm and tried to prop him against my knee, as I flipped over the rug and jerked open the hatch.  It was made to to look like it went along with the wooden floors that covered the first floor of my family's house.  You'd have to do a double-take to realize it was there. 
Huffing, I quickly, but gently lowered Finn's lean body into the opening.  Got to hurry. I kept repeating in my head.  Once he was safely lowered in I jumped in after him.  It was dark, but that didn't matter right now.
What matters is that we don't die today.
I reached up and pulled the hatch's door shut and locked it with quick movement.  All that work in one minute, not bad...
Okay we got to keep moving.
I snapped my fingers and a small flame flickered above me.  Not enough light.  I snapped my fingers three more times and three more flames appeared beside my head.  I bent down quickly to see if Finn was doing okay.  I checked his temperature and pulse.  They seemed fine.  I turned around to see before me was a set of stairs leading down to the Cave.  I sighed, again, picking up Finn by the arms and and started to drag him down the stairs.  Damn you, Finn.  Of all the times to have one of your episodes... BA-BOOM!
The bomb.  Wow, that took waay to long to go off.

Okay, I'm over half way through City of Ashes. Pretty good, yet sad.


Some books that I got over Christmas:

The Summoning by: Kelley Armstrong

City of Ashes by: Cassandra Clare

Stargazer by: Claudia Gray

Wuthering Heights by: Emily Bronte

The Hunger Games by: Suzanna Collins

Eyes Like Stars by: Lisa Mantchev

Princess of the Midnight Ball by: Jessica Day George

Okay, you might have noticed that I like books with a bit of romance.  It's been a thing of mine ever since I read Fairest.

Did you hear?  Borders is closing sometime in 2010.  How sad.  I liked Borders. *Sigh* Curse you, you harsh economy! *waves fist in air!*



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