(3 / 5)
Let me first say that I didn't particularly like Eclipse the book, so Eclipse the movie didn't much appeal to me. The only interesting part I liked was the back stories--but even those were shortened and not what I pictured.
Visual effects were pretty good. I thought the wolves were adorable. My friend kept laughing at me when I'd aw at them. Anyways, it didn't look cheesy like it did in Twilight, but it wasn't as nice as New Moon.
Waaaay tooo long. Not counting the ads and the 2 preview trailer, it was 2 hrs and 15 mins long. Started out was okay, but your bum starts to hurt like crazy after an hour and by the time you get to the climax you just want to get the hell outta there.
Ah, the characters. Firstly, wtf with Jasper's accent?! In all the other movies he never had one. In this movie he had this off and on southern accent. I mean, I understand why and where it comes from, but if they wanted to have an accent for Jasper than they should have started that in the first movie! And like I said, it wasn't a continued thing; it was off and on, especially during the training scenes. I call it Spontaneous Southern Accent (SSA). Nice, right?
Also, Alice and Jasper. I didn't really like that they're relationship is so ... showy. In the books, it was almost a strange mystery as to why they were attracted to each other. So that was a bit disappointing.
The only thing I can say is that this movie was okay. There were parts that I liked and parts that I didn't at all. I'll be interested to see what they'll do for BD. ( I also wonder how they'll rate it...) The one thing I wish they would have done for the movie was the quote about the eclipse. (You know, when Jacob compared him and Edward to the sun and the moon?) For readers of the series, I guess it would bother them, but for those who haven't read the books I think it would have been nice to have that quote so that they'd understand why the movie/book is called Eclipse.
Well, I hope you enjoyed. Next post will hopefully be my hair tips.
Adios mi amigas!
cool review, loved reading it
Thank you. :)
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