Yay! I checked my Google Analytics. Isn't this wonderful?! I never thought that That's What She Said would get 111 visits. I also hit a record breaking 10 visits yesterday. THANK YOU! I know that "10 visits" isn't a lot, but on my scale this is momentous! So as my gift to you: I added a Recent Posts gadget to the left side bar. I hope it will help you navigate through the blog a bit better. It's annoying for me to actually have to scroll down to see some of my own posts so I imagine it's a pain in the butt for you guys too. It's not much of a gift, but I did my best. Also, there is a search bar that will allow you to search my blog for a later post.
Empathy is something I really want to see succeed. It was actually part of the reason that made me start this blog. I wanted to hear people's opinion as much as I wanted to answer peoples questions as well. So as another "gift" I'll give you some history as to how That's What She Said was born:
It started when I was looking up a complicated question on Yahoo Answers. I could not find the answer and it was bothering me. I looked on Ask, Google, Bing, Road Runner, and even YouTube. I tried to reword the question so that, maybe on a margin of hope, I could find the answer. Yet, still, I couldn't find the answer. I thought: This is ridculous! I wonder how many other people run into the same problem? That's what popped the idea in my head to start a blog. The idea was to make a blog for people who had really complicated questions and needed some way to ask and get an answer. Whether it was an advise question, a book question, or a random question, I would be there to answer or at least, try to answer it as best as possible. Then later on, I figured why not have everything you could think of on the blog? There's no rule as to saying I couldn't! So I went for it. The everything-in-one package blog.
Not only has this given me the freedom to write to people and show my opinions, it is also a way for everyone who reads to give out their opinions as well. That's why I allow everyone to comment--not just members of Blogger!--, and that's why I also started Empathy. I really want to see people discuss and speak out.
Remember the post: Dating Questions?
I remember I got a hit on that. Need any make-up advice? How to's? More dating advice? Girl problems? Guy problems? There has to be something on your mind. . .
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