I know it's odd that a person could be so hyped up on getting a new background, but I've been trying for weeks to get a new one and now I do!
All thanks to thecutestblogontheblock.com which I found on What I Heart. If you'd like to see this spectacular website, the link is on this post {see above} or on the top of the blog page on the far left hand corner. Good Luck! ;)
Also I've added a decoration at the top of the page, courtesy of TCBOTB.com.
So anyways, tell me what you think of the new layout. If you guys have any questions about getting a layout like this on your blog, just ask. However, the instructions on the TCBOTB site are super easy so there shouldn't be any problems.
Again, good luck!
I got another award from Seli! I'm on her top 7 bloggers! How cool is that?
Dang girl! You're makin' me blush! Haha!
Anybody watching Lost? Craaazzy! It's so complicated it makes my head spin. xP
It's the last season though, which makes me sad, but also happy that they'll finally end this mysterious (and sometimes aggrevating) storyline.
If you're a Lost watcher tell me how you think it'll end!
Celebs. Who Look (Kinda) The Same

I do not own any of these pictures. Copyright Infringement not intended.
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