Monday, February 15, 2010

Day Of Fulfilled Promises

Hey everyone! How's it going?

Anyways, the party was fan-tastic! I did my best with the whole dancing thing--I even stood on bleachers and danced around like a looney!  I promised that I would post the pictures of my shoes (of torture) and the mystery dress on here so here it goes!

Drum roll please!

I don't own any of these pictures. Copyright infringement not intended.

Nothing special, but I had a blast looking at all the dresses and shoes.  Can't wait to do it again.

So here's how the night went down.

Pageant---- That was h-e-double hockey sticks!
Dance---- Loved it, loved it, loved it! Did I mention I loved it? One of the best nights I've had since forever--except for the wretched pageant. The decorations were b-e-a-utiful! The music was fun and easy to dance to; I still have Bad Romance stuck in my head.  I want your loving, I want your revenge, you and me could write a bad romance!  All my friends were there and man, they could dance.  Even Hannah was there! I danced with a great guy during one of the slow songs. :)
It was wonderful and uh, sweaty, but still amazing.  There was so many people there who all looked fantastic and beautiful.  I was so intimidated. 

As for my status now? I'm dead tired.  I still have a project to do which is due Weds**cough**which I should be doing now**cough**. 

Thank you all for sticking with me through these eventful weeks!  I love all you people!
Notice that I've added a "Pages gadget"!


Happy President's Day!


Before reading, I would like you to know that the content of this segment is deep and my be discomforting for some people.

You have been warned.

A while ago, I came across a video on YouTube of a Husky puppy's head getting stuck between a baby gate and the floor, all the time the owners giggling at it's "hilarity".  They actually admitted to putting the gate up like that and encouraging the dog to try to get to them on the other side of the gate. I couldn't watch the rest.  The poor dog was crying and sounded like it wasn't very comfortable.  I'm trying my best not to write any abscene word here, but it very hard. 
How dare anyone find an animal's discomfort "funny"! Shame on them! SHAME! I don't want to ever hear anyone tell be that animals don't have feelings! If they have no feelings then tell me: when a mother gorilla's baby dies and she craddles the dead body of her infant wondering why it won't wake up, what the heck do you call that? Instinct?! Or when your dog runs up to you after you've been on vacation for two weeks waging it's tail and skipping around in circles, what is that? A sign that it has to go to the bathroom? Give me a break!
Im so sick of people being so inconsiderate of others and their pets.  I loathe people like that.  I find it disturbing that someone could be so heartless as to abuse and/or abandon an animal and still go on in life like everythings all perfect and dandy. 
There is a place designed for ugly, sick people like that.  You know what I'm talking about.


Okay, I'm done with the serious stuff.  Sorry about that. :(

Here is a picture of Justin Bieber that I drew for a friend of mine.  Something a promised way back.


Please tell me what you think!



Anonymous said...

Love the dress! So cute


Ally-Cat said...

Thank You!

I like it too! *laughs*


cookiemonster said...

love your dress its amazing


Ally-Cat said...

Thank you

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