Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hi Again

"Too many people spend money they haven't earned, to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like." ~ Will Smith

What up home-skillets? Haha, anyways,  I can't believe I haven't posted since the 4th!   I'm so sorry you guys! But the good news is that I'm here now.

Can I just pop this in here while it's on my mind? Too late. I'm doing it. xP

Things That You Should Know About My Art
  1. I don't ever like it when people watch me draw and stuff over my shoulder
    1. Why?  All my art is personal.  Deeply personal.  I get antsy and uncomfortable. 
  2. Please don't assume that the people or cartoons that I draw are based on anyone I know in real life.
    1. I rarely draw anyone I know (unless it's a portrait).  I just draw whatever pops into my head.
  3. I draw when I feel the impulse to or when I have some sort of determination to do an "art" related thing.
    1. Lots of people over the years have asked me to draw something for them. And usually I do it, but it's never my best.  When an artist is forced or pressured into creating a piece of work, it will always be second best in their eyes.
    2. Doing any work more than once can either get better or worse.  (I drew 3 Justin Bieber portraits, each one was better than the next.) 
  4. I'm a messy artist. 
    1. I always smug.  Always.  Either that, or I'm erasing terribly.
  5. I'm a perfectionist when it comes to my work.  Even if I smug (I do my best to get rid of the smugginess).
  6. I will be very very ticked if anyone ever marks my paper.  With a perminent writing utensil.  It's agrivating when that happens 'cause then I have to redo the whole thing.
That's it.  I needed to get that off my chest.  I sound very uh, "witchy", but if you knew the time and thought that goes with creating art, then you'd understand that artists take their work very seriously. 


I want to thank my friend, Hannah, for the personal piece of work that she created for a very special event that is coming up soon!  Thank you dear. 

I had 35 visitors today! Yay!


Take a look at this!

It's a video, suprise, suprise.

Talk to ya'll later. 



This is for a friend of mine:  Helter Skelter!  (I'm never going to forget that!)

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