Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Getting The Ball Rolling...

I need to start practicing my writing skills. I feel so amateur when I know I can do better if I put my heart into it.  What caused this motivation? Well due to unexpected yet frightening events, I'm very excited to show my teacher just how capable I can be at being an artist/writer.
So expect more art and writing on here and on DA (The writing would be more on DA than here, though.  Sorry.)

Also, I've noticed that I've got off track from my true goal of this blog: to answer those unique questions that other sites don't answer or don't have.  I'm so excited and happy that I get about 3 or 4 responses each post.  And I would like to encourage you to ask anything that is on your mind and that you won't mind me answering either by comment post or blog post. 

I'm currently working on making an email address, but I have a formspring. (There's a widget at the right if you'd like to ask a question!) and DA account (though anyone w/o a log-in can't post a comment. ).

[EDITED--Contact's list is to the right, right before the Formspring widget!]

Oh, and I just got news today that my Gram is back in the hospital. Her heart just couldn't stay strong and so she has to get help from the docs again.  I'm really scared for her.  My dad says she sounds like she lacks the motivation to live.
Guys, I need all the help I can get for this.  I appreciated your prayers before please help me out now. x(
I love you all.

Good luck, live strong.


1 comment:

Deidre Natáe said...

I'm so sorry that your grandmother is in the hospital again :( I hope all goes well. I also have a formspring :) in fact you have answered one of my questions :) My username is DeidreNatae and the link is: http://www.formspring.me/DeidreNatae :)

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