Friday, August 5, 2011

August Theme: The Make-up Basics

I need to get myself on the ball here. I'm totally lacking in the blogging department.  :P I'm sorry everyone.

So a quick announcement, I'm going to be doing make-up stuff this month as much as possible.  So if you have a request for something specific like foundation: which is best? or what type of make-up you should get depending on your face type... stuff like that. :D


Oh and I finished Hannah's picture--which I should go tell her now!-- I'm still trying to figure out how to get these pictures up from my phone. Fingers crossed. :)

My next project is Hugh Jackman (shirtless). *cue the screaming women*

Ooooh yeaaaah.

Well, that's about it.  This isn't very organized, but I'm in quite a rush. I love you all!

Welcome new follower, Riley Ristuccia!
Ha, you surprised me today. I wasn't expecting a new follower.  :) You made my day. Thank you.


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