The Beatles are on iTunes! YAY! I'm extremely happy. I've been waiting for this day for years!
Let's give a moment of gratitude to Apple Inc. and the magnificant band.
Okay, moving on now...
All you really need is love. That's what I've learned over this past week. Grams funeral wasn't as difficult as Gramps, but maybe I'm stronger. Back when Grandpa died, I was numb. I didn't wrap my head around it. But at the funeral, I kept thinking "this is the last time I'll ever see him in this life" and went on thinking of memories we created. This time around I kept the sedimentals out. I know that may sound terrible, but it was either that or bawl and I had to be strong for the family since they were all in tears or were on the verge of it. I got through it, the buriel ground is always hard to take though. And then again, I think of that day I found out that my grandpa died. It was the day after my first post on this blog. I had no followers at the time and so basically I was blogging to no one. There was no one saying sweet and kind things to me and making the pain a little less unbearable. This time around I had the support of some great followers who really helped this griefing process go faster. So I want to say thanks to those who showed concern and helped me through this. *From Me To You!*
Tomorrow is the day I get my wisdom teeth out. All four of them. I'm super scared. Not just the needle, but of my Dad. I think he's going to bring a video camera when he picks me up and I'm afraid I'm going to say stupid stuff like "Is this the real world?" or "ARRRGHHHAAAAAH!". Lord, help me!
So who won "The Outspoken Blog Award"? Well [there was] one participate. Uh, sorta. And well, I checked her link and it didn't really lead me to a regular blog. It moreover led me to a food recipe blog. Sorry hun, I didn't see anything that went with the requirements of this award.
So now, I have to decide from my followers. Which one filled these credits?

-You must create and post them before my 150th!
- They must be at least a paragraph long, including why you like or dislike that topic, what you would do about it, etc.
The winner of the award is:
(ЯANdOM ЯAWR has permission to take this picture and place it on her blog.)
The reason why I chose RR was because she met the requirements!
[Congrats RR! Sorry for the very badly edited blog post. Bad job on my part. (I might have fallen asleep half way through the creating of this post..haha my bad.) ]
Thank you for the award, you're so sweet.
And yay - 150 posts!
I honestly thought your grandmother would be back and healthy :( Hope she's feeling better, where ever she is now. And I hope you make it past the grieving process soon.
RR- Your totally welcome! And I hoped so too, but I think she's in a better place. She lived alone for so long I believe she is in the place she's always wanted to be. :)
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